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My Comic-Con Experience

Going to Comic-Con has always been something that has intrigued me, I’ve always seen it, but I’ve never had a full comic-con experience. That was until about a month ago when I attended MCM Birmingham Comic-Con for the weekend. It was my first proper time that I spent at a convention before, and it is definitely one I wouldn’t forget in a hurry. I managed to meet Billie Piper, have a lightsaber duel with professional lightsaber fighters. And I managed to meet the people who sell meme merchandise ( yes that’s a thing)

And considering it was my first full weekend, I decided to film my journey throughout the weekend. And seeing how you probably don’t want to read it, you can watch the full video below.

DISCLAIMER: Video may contain offensive language and dodgy editing

The weekend that I spent there was simply put, amazing!. Actually I take that back it was ****ing amazing. And I urge anyone who is reading this who is even the slightest bit interested, to go to a convention and experience the same feelings I did when being there.

This has definitely changed my perspective on conventions, and it only leaves me wanting more from them.

I Definitely didn't fanboy over this guy as Predator....(Ok well maybe....just a little)

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